Hurricane Matthew Collection
Dublin Core
Hurricane Matthew Collection
Hurricane Matthew, 2016
This collection contains paintings that contain the themes of Hurricane Matthew that occurred in Haiti in 2016.
Collection Items
twa mwa apre sixlon matye
People walking outside on a path. There is a woman carrying a basket of fruit on her head. She is following a donkey carrying fruit on its back. There are damaged and down trees along the path.
New Born Light
Colorful painting of a woman holding a baby. There is a pregnant belly in the foreground
Painting of a bare tree. The branches are bare. There are broken tree trunks in the background.
Kek jou apre siklo matye
Painting of down trees in a village. People are walking around the down trees.
Abstract painting of a girl who looks worried. There is a candle, guitar, book with a magnifying glass, in the background. There is a face with half a palette and paintbrush