Elsie Hector Collection

Dublin Core


Elsie Hector Collection


This collection contains items acquired by Elsie Hector Hernandez.



Collection Items

African woman
African. Sculpture of a woman's back. Her face is facing to the side. There is a a red cloth covering her behind.

African woman and child
African. Sculpture of a woman on her knees holding a baby while balancing a basket on her head.

Pair of African People
African. Pair of people. Attached at the base.

Pair of African People
African. Pair of people. Attached at the base.

Sculpture of a Woman
Sculpture of a nude woman kneeling and holding herself.

Haitian peasant
Wooden sculpture of a man holding a pipe. He is wearing a hat.

Wooden Vase
Wooden vase. Houses, trees, birds, painted along the side.

Metal iron

Brown coral piece
Brown Coral Piece

Metal Bell
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