General Collection

Dublin Core


General Collection


This collection contains various paintings and objects from Haiti and relating to Haiti.



Collection Items

Painting of two roosters (cocks) facing eachother. There is an ear of corn next to them.

Androgynous body facing forward. Thee are faces as the hands. The legs split like fins. There is a snake circling around the body.

Colorful painting with many people outside in a village. There are several huts surrounding the area.

Ste Trinite Quintet of Haiti
Ste Trinite Quintet of Haiti. Live Performance of Haitian music from the Orchestre Philharmonique de Ste. Trinite. Port au Prince, Haiti. September 8th &9th 1999. Several musicians signed the poster: Marjorie Garnier, Dickens Princivil, Yves…

Abstract painting of a house with people walking in foreground. There are colored streaks on top.

Painting of a forest. There is a girl standing in the middle. There is one large tree that is taller than everything else.

Green background. Design what appears as a red boot with three white heads with red hats sticking out.

Black monster form with a yellow background with red circles with white dots.

People in a wide open space holding white balls (moon?) under a starry sky

Painting of two red huts. There is a large tree to the side. There are children playing in the front.
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