Daily Life Collection
Dublin Core
Daily Life Collection
Collection contains artworks and objects that pertain to daily life in Haiti.
Collection Items
Painting of a village in the forest. There are two huts in the background. There are people walking and working outside.
Independence Day
Watercolor painting of a pot of soup joumou on the stovetop. Cut squash is on the counter.
Painting of a woman cleaning clothes on a rock on the water. There is a hut in the background.
Soup Joumou
Soup joumou, 'pumpkin soup' is made of the bright yellow ingredients of squash, pumpkin, vegetables, and meat. Before Haiti's independence , the soup joumou was off-limits to Black slaves. Once the Haitian people gained emancipatioon, the soup was…
Soup joumou, 'pumpkin soup' is made of the bright yellow ingredients of squash, pumpkin, vegetables, and meat. Before Haiti's independence , the soup joumou was off-limits to Black slaves. Once the Haitian people gained emancipatin, the soup was…