Landscape Collection

Dublin Core


Landscape Collection


Landscape Collection contains artworks that pertain to the different landscapes of Haiti.



Collection Items

Painting of a forest. There is a tall tree in the foreground with red flowers/leaves. Two men standing in the front.

B/W painting of the water from the shore. There are palm trees on either side.

Painting of a man sitting on a fish in the water

Painting of woman working in the forest. There is a body of water in the background.

Painting of a woman walking down the road carrying a basket on her head. The road is surrounded by greenery, huts, and a body of water.

Champs  ruille planche synthetique
People working in a field

The Million Dollar Shot
Painting of a landscape.

Painting of lots of trees in the background. There is a waterfall and several people walking around the area.

Artibonite Valley
Painting of a waterfall with trees and people surrounding it.

Painting with blue tones. There is a person sitting and fishing on the bank of the river. There is a woman walking in the background with a basket on her head.
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