Papier-mache Collection

Dublin Core


Papier-mache Collection


This collection contains items that are made of papier-mache and similar mediums.



Collection Items

Cheetah Mask
Face mask with the design of a cheetah face. Only covers half the face.

Parakeet Mask
Face mask with the design of a parakeet face. Only covers half the face.

Green plant mask
Green plant mask. Design shows leaves and yellow flower on top. Written 'Made in Haiti' on the inside.

Red mask
Red mask with lizard on top. Written 'Made in Haiti' on the inside.

Wall Hanging
Face wall hanging

Brown Sculpture of a face
Brown sculpture of a face

Papier-mache vase with black background and blue and white flower.

Papier-mache bowl
Papier-mache bowl. Pink with green leaves.

Papier-mache bowl
Papier-mache bowl. Orange inside with black outside. Inside has leaves.
View all 9 items


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