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  • Collection: Zombie Collection

Painting of a woman with her mouth open. She has a large ring earring in her left ear, long fingers with her nails painted black. She is playing the drum that sits in front of her. Color scheme is warm orange tones.

Abstract painting of faces. Colors are dark tones. There is a drum to the side.

Painting of a woman behind bars with a bone in her mouth. Color scheme is dark and orange.

Painting of two faces facing opposite directions. The front facing face is smeared downward. Color scheme is warm and cool.

Painting with a figure in a prayer kneel. There is also another face facing the opposite direction upwards. There are candles. Color scheme is warm and cool.

Abstract painting of a female figure sitting on the floor. There are figures behind her. Cool tones.

Painting of a family who have been zombified. Blue background, family is warm orange tones.

Abstract painting of faces

Abstract painting of a face. The head is holding a bone in its teeth. Color scheme is dark black, gray, purple, blue.

Abstract painting of faces. Color scheme is greens, oranges, and yellow.
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