Browse Items (21 total)

  • Collection: Robert A. Jones Collection

scan0012 2.pdf
This record contains images of a town in Haiti during the 1970s.


scan0007 3.pdf
This record contains images of the street in Haiti during the 1970s.


scan0013 2.pdf
This record contains images of the shore in Haiti during the 1970s.


scan0009 1.pdf
This record contains images of a school in Haiti during the 1970s.


scan0022 4.pdf
This record contains images of the Sans Souci Palace in Milot, Haiti during the 1970s.

scan0002 1.pdf
This record contains images of the radio station in Haiti during the 1970s.

scan0007 6.pdf
This record contains images of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, during the 1970s.

scan0007 8.pdf
This record contains images of monuments in Haiti during the 1970s.

scan0012 5.pdf
This record contains images of merchants in Haiti during the 1970s.


scan0008 1.pdf
This record includes images of a market in Haiti during the 1970s. Includes images of the Iron Market (Marche en Fer) in Port-au-Prince.
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2