The painting depicts the story of a girl who was demon possessed, climbed up to the top of the radio tower, and was dancing up there for quite some time. The village came out, all of them to try and rescue her. It was based on a true story.
The Swearing in Ceremony of Judge Lionel Jean-Baptiste, Circuit Judge of Cook County, Ninth Subcircuit, Friday March 4, 2011, Supreme Court, Chicago, Illinois, Owen Georges Leroy Photography
This is a painting depicting La Citadelle LaFerriere (Citadelle Henri Christophe), or simply the Citadelle, a large mountaintop fortress in Northern Haiti. The artist emphasizes the structure's permanence within the natural environment surrounding…
Alexandre Petion (April 2, 1770-March 29, 1818) served as a revolutionary general and was the first president of the Republic of Haiti, located in the Southern Provinces. The paper under his hands represents the democratic constitution he…