This Vodou flag depicts Erzulie Freda, the goddess of love and prosperity. Here she appears in a golden crown and necklace with rings on her fingers, showcasing the prosperity she can bring to those who worship her. But be careful the goddess…
Drapo Flag. Granbois. Elemental, nature oriented loa associated with trees, plants, and herbs. With satin, sequins. Pink border. Man standing in the middle with outstretched arms.
Drapo Flag. La Sirene, water spirit. Mermaid wife of Met Agwe. She is the loa of wealth. She owns all the riches of the seas. She is the queen of the seas.
Painting of a man and a woman holding a baby. There are two nude bodies circling a palm tree. There is a nude male sitting in the palm of a hand holding a pencil and laptop computer. There are four sets of hands sticking up at the bottom of the…