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Painting of the countryside; with a river running through

Sitting atop a hill, Henri Christophe commissioned La Citadelle in 1805. The fortress angular shape emphasized here references a ship's prow, symbolizing Haiti's path-breaking course. The line extending from the rider on the footpath to the clouds…

This is a painting depicting La Citadelle LaFerriere (Citadelle Henri Christophe), or simply the Citadelle, a large mountaintop fortress in Northern Haiti. The artist emphasizes the structure's permanence within the natural environment surrounding…

Painting of people sitting together. One man is playing a drum. There is a woman holding a vessel.

Painting of a screaming face with hands on the head. The fingers have long nails. Painting has warm and cool tones.

A nude woman leaning over towards the ground.

Painting of a steaming pot of soup joumou. There is a hand on the left holding a jar of spices. There is a window with the Chicago cityscape in the background.
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