Florence Hector Collection

Dublin Core


Florence Hector Collection


This collection contains items acquired by Florence Hector, the sister of Elsie Hector Hernandez.


Permanent Loan



Collection Items

People walking on a path through the trees. Two women are carrying baskets on their heads.

Painting of people outside in the village. Women are carrying baskets of fruit. There is fruit in the foreground.

Landscape Scene
Landscape Scene uses tall trees that frame the corners of the canvas. It draws attention to the Haitian community pictured in the center of the composition. As they line up to visit the local river bank, residents circulate Haiti's fertileā€¦

Haitian mask
Wooden mask of a face. There is a bird on the top. Flat nose.

Wooden mask
Wooden mask of a face. There is a bird on the top. Long nose.

In this painting, community life is centered around a natural source of water.

Painting of workers in a field with oxen. The workers are harvesting the wheat.

Portrait of a pink flower.

Print of five flowers. Red/pink background.

Painting of a canoe and oar on the shore near the water.
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