Nicole Smith Collection

Dublin Core


Nicole Smith Collection


Items in this collection came from Nicole Smith, owner of Nicole Gallery in Chicago. Collection contains paintings, religious objects and other items related to Haiti. Smith passed away in 2016.


Nicole Smith



Collection Items

Drapo Flag
Drapo Flag. Heart shape in the center. Blue background. Pink scallop edge.

Painting of giraffes, zebras, lions, bulls, unicorn. There is a man standing tall with a walking stick trying to wrangle the animals.

Colorful painting of a view by the sea. There are bird heads nestled in the view.

The Fishing Season
Colorful painting of hills by the sea. There are boats with people in the water. There are houses along the path up the mountain.

Colorful painting of the hills by the sea. There are female heads in the clouds.

Portrait of several women sitting, standing facing different directions. They all have their heads covered. There is a boy standing, looking at them, wearing a red shirt and blue shorts

Portrait of a man sitting on the beach with towels in his lap. There are two boys standing, watching him.

Colorful painting of a woman wearing a headscarf.

*Francine Murat Gallery

Princesse de Iles
Painting of a woman wearing a dress. She is wearing a tan colored wrap, holding a bouquet of yellow flowers, and standing in front of the mountains and water.

*Francine Murat Gallery

Old Man with Pipe
Painting of a man smoking a pipe. Holding a banana, chicken and sugar cane.

*Francine Murat Gallery
View all 41 items


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