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  • Collection: Historical Collection

On the left stands Simon Bolivar, one of the principal leaders of the South American Revolutions. On the right stands Alexandre Petion, first president of the Republic of Haiti. The letter on the table behind Bolivar represents the official support…

Painting of Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, Harold Washington, Lori Lightfoot, Barack Obama

Framed sketch drawing of Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable holding a rifle, b/w.

Framed sketch drawing of Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable wearing a hat and holding a drum and a bottle., b/w.

The Swearing in Ceremony of Judge Lionel Jean-Baptiste, Circuit Judge of Cook County, Ninth Subcircuit, Friday March 4, 2011, Supreme Court, Chicago, Illinois, Owen Georges Leroy Photography

On 14 August 1791, slaves of Saint-Domingue gathered for a vodou ceremony at Bois Caiman. The leader Boukman stands larger than life on the far right and presides over the sacrifice of a black Creole pig to Erzulie Dantor, the mother spirit of…

Glitter artwork of Toussaint Louveture, the leader of the Haitian Revolution.

Poster of the Haitian flag. 'L'Union Fait La Force'

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Catherine Flon--Goddaughter Jean Jacques Dessalines sewed first Haitian Flag May, 1803

Haitian bank notes: 250 (Jean Jacques Dessalines), 500 (Alexandre Petion), 1,000 (Florvil Hyppolite) (framed)
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